MedialibBrowse Interface Reference

browse the media library menu hierarchy and receive results in a specified format More...

Detailed Description

browse the media library menu hierarchy and receive results in a specified format

Path: /medialib/browse

[in]idThe id of the object under which the search is to be conducted. Default: 0 the root object
[in]pfidThe id (typicaly a GUID) of the device profile we should assume. Default: the device profile is automatically detected by the user agennt. Unknown user agents receive the "never transcode" device profile
[in]startatThe index of the item in the search result set from which the items in the returned document should start
[in]countThe number of items to return in the result document, 0 means all the results. Default: 10.
[in]formatThe format to which the result document should be serialized. Possible values are: didlite, rss, html, mce, asx. qtl, smil, ram
[in]flagOne of BrowseMetaData and BrowseDirectChildren. The fist returns metadata pertaining to specified object, the second returns metadata pertaining to its children. Default: BrowseDirectChildren the UPnP standard
A documnt in the specified format with the search results


/medialib/browse The first ten children of the root object in the media library returned in XHTML format

/medialib/browse?startat=10 The next ten children of the root object in the media library returned in XHTML format

/medialib/browse?startat=10&count=0 All the children of the root object in the media library returned in XHTML format

/medialib/browse?format=didlite The first ten children of the root object in the media library returned in DIDL-Lite format

Advanced Paramters: Some optional advanced parameters that are supported as well are below

[in]urlThe resource URL of the object under which the browse is to be conducted, this is an alternative method to using id and it needs to be used in conjunction with pid
[in]titleThe title of the object under which the browse is to be conducted, this is an alternative method to using id and it needs to be used in conjunction with pid
[in]pidThe id of the parent object under which the browse is to be conducted, to be used in conjunction with either title or url
[in]embedBolean value relevant only when the result format is html, indicating whether the result is embedded within other pages and hence should omit the header and footer. For the iPhone HTML in addition to the header and footer all the encapsulating page markup is skipped except the list of results, this is in order to allow a retrieval of deltas for AJAX purposes.
[in]filtera commad spearated list of DIDL-Lite properties that should be returned (relevant only when the format is didlite). See UPnP CDS for more info. Default: * (meaning all properties)